· In addition, teachers have used corporal punishment in schools to influence behavioral change among students and also influence them to work hard in their academics. However, evidence reveals that corporate punishment is a form of violence which has little influence in motivating positive change and it may even lead to rebellion both at home and in school · Corporal Punishment in Schools. The term,’corporal punishment’ means ‘physical punishment’.it is a kind of punishment that affects the human body adversely. It could be in the form of beating, thrashing or even whipping. Thus, punishment of this kind is physical torture to a student and should be condemned and stopped blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Corporal Punishment in Schools. In Law. The rate of corporate punishment in schools has declined, but there are schools that continue to practice this barbaric and violent way of punishment that has a negative impact on childrens physical and psychological health. Corporal punishment is a disciplinary action that involves pinching, slapping, and spanking delivered by school
Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay Sample
Corporal punishment has been used to discipline students in the schools. In the modern days, corporal punishment in school essay, children rights and human right activists have intensely advocated against the use of corporal punishment. However, many researchers and writers have focused too much on the destructive effects of using corporal punishment with little concentration on its benefits.
Therefore, this paper seeks to debate whether corporal punishment is beneficial or harmful to students, by exploring the major effects that it has on children, according to the arguments of its advocates and its opponents.
Advocates of corporal punishment in schools believe that it offers an immediate solution to indiscipline. They maintain that students quickly get back to classroom learning after corporal punishment, thereby arguing that it is better than other forms of punishment like suspending the student from school Bauer These advocates add that suspending a student out of school removes the student from the educational activities and processes hence giving the students a free holiday, corporal punishment in school essay.
To further support their stand, they argue that corporal punishment saves a lot of staff time that otherwise, would have been used in controlling detention classes, supervising in school suspension, or managing the administration that concerns these kinds of punishments.
These advocates for school corporal punishment also assert that parents often complain due to the inconveniencies caused by penalties or punishments like detention or suspension. Oponents of school corporal punishment on the other hand, argue that according to research findings, the use of corporal punishment in schools is not the most effective way of managing the behavior of the students. These studies, corporal punishment in school essay, they claim, have revealed that corporal punishment is linked to adverse psychological, physical, and educational effects.
For instance, it has been reported that corporal punishment leads to increased hostile and destructive behavior, vandalism, reduced attention span, poor school performance, increased rate of drop out, low self-esteem, school phobia and hence school avoidance, anxiety, depression, somatic corporal punishment in school essay, suicide, corporal punishment in school essay, and revenge against teacher. According to these opponents, other disciplinary methods are far much better and more effective than corporal punishment.
In addition, they believe that students receiving corporal punishment at school may develop a tendency to masochism and cruelty.
Sigmund found that such beating corporal punishment in school essay hardly related to real experiences of punishment. According toKhan 7corporal punishment is limited to the age of a student.
He argues that corporal punishment should be applied to students between the age of three and ten years Khan 8. Beyond the age of ten, this type of punishment is not as effective as other methods corporal punishment in school essay punishment like suspension and detention in schools. To support his argument, he explains that because the brain of a young child is not fully developed, the child is not able to reason out with his teacher or parent Khan 9.
Rather, such a child only have an understanding of here and now. This implies that if such a child is engaged in an unacceptable behavior, pain will be the most effective consequence. Therefore, in his view, teachers who fail to use corporal punishment on students at their tender age, will have difficulties in handling these students in their later stages of development. Middleton suggests that teacher ought to realize that at the school level, corporal punishment in school essay, children are at asensitive age.
In case they get subjected to any form of physical torture, their chances of developing fear or phobia to meet or approach a teacher, will be high. This he says, may make the child abandon school Middleton This he says, is because a teacher is supposed to be a role model figure to the student.
The teacher, through his actions and behavior, has to set an example for the students. He should handle the students patiently, guiding and advising them to succeedin all the spheres of life like in academics, music, sports, as well as other co-curricular activities. He also believes that students are expected to be friendly and free with the teachers to enable them clarify their doubts and ask questions.
At the same time, the students should demonstrate obedience and respect towards the teachers Middleton According to him, this respect and obedience however, cannot be forcibly demanded through corporal punishment. It should be left to come instinctively through deep regard for the teachers. Owen 87 posits that corporal punishment have no positive effect on the behavior of a student. Instead, it makes the situation worse.
For example, a very naughty student or one who is not much interested in studies, is exposed to corporal punishment, he may turn to be more aggressive in nature. This may make him abandon school Owen He strengthens his argument that a student may experience permanent physical disorders as a result of being subjected to corporal punishment.
Harsh canning and whipping in the legs or hands of a student may damage the muscles and bones hence paralyzing the student. Unnecessary trauma and injuries can also be caused by corporal punishment. The mental torture resulting from corporal punishment, mostly for vulnerable students, may last a lifetime Owen Generally, according to him, corporal punishment have no effect of changing or improving bad behavior. Instead, it can directly lead to lifelong psychological problems. In conclusion, the paper has looked into the major arguments both for, and against corporal punishment in schools.
It has extensively explored the practical sides as well as the potential flaws of this system of punishment. In my own opinion, I believe that capital punishment is a defective system of instilling discipline among students and that other superior methods of disciplining students exist. These include community service and suspension. These methods can be considered more effective since they provide punishment minus the abuse. In this article, Middleton backs the idea that students need discipline, corporal punishment in school essay.
He argues that the use of corporal punishment, can only be efficient and effective when applied reasonably by teachers, corporal punishment in school essay. Nonetheless, he maintains that non-corporal punishment is better compared to corporal punishment because the student has brains and is able to reason like a human being.
This article seeks to unveil the reason why the educators have safeguarded corporal punishment for a long period. Additionally, it explores why the elimination of corporal punishment was an unavoidable aspect of change in schools. It was ineffective in eliminating wrongs done by students. Instead, it worsened the situation and made the students more unruly and defiant. Corporal punishment abolishment was hence corporal punishment in school essay since students have embraces understanding discussion rather than corporal punishments.
Bauer focuses on several issues regarding corporal punishment in schools, corporal punishment in school essay. His article agrees slightly with those that are more rebellious to corporal punishment debate and practice. This article outlines the historical evidence of the factual information corporal punishment in school essay corporal punishment, which is vital for one to comprehend the historical take on this matter.
Additionally, it acts as an eye opener to the physical abuse that occurs in schools. Owen exploitsdifferent nations that have passed judicial bans on corporal punishment due to its negative effects. According to the article it is clear that several nations agreed to ban corporal punishment due to the previous cases of unsuccessful force of using the corporal punishment. This was because of fatal cases of problems it had on innocent students.
This study revealed that corporal punishment to students by teachers is a cause of problems on early childhood behaviors.
Such studentsare likely corporal punishment in school essay be more depressed when exposed to corporal punishment. Therefore, non-corporal punishment styles should be embraced.
Bauer, Gordon B. Dupper, David R. Montgomery Dingus. Khan, Anwar. Middleton, Jacob. Owen, Stephen S. A Theoretical Inquiry. Introduction Diversity in patients corporal punishment in school essay societies mean that they have different medical needs and risk factors, corporal punishment in school essay. This means that the teaching requirements cannot be the same for everyone.
There is therefore need for different teaching methods and health promotion strategies. UPM-Kymmene Corporation UPM is the leading manufacturer of paper and other forest products. The company operates commonly in European and Asian countries. UPM has about production amenities and more than sales and distribution networks Walter Your email address will not be published. Home About Us Free Essays Latest Essays Pricing Plans Contact Us Login Education.
Home Blog Education Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay. Annotated Bibliography for Corporal Punishment in Schools Middleton, Jacob. Works Cited Bauer, Gordon B. Previous post Comparative Case Methods Essay October 2, Next post Economics Definition October 2, Diversity and Education Essay 16 July, UPM S. T Summary 13 May, The Sociological Creative Ability 13 May, Leave A Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
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, time: 14:15Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay - Academic Master
Corporal Punishment is necessary in schools because it teaches kids not to get in trouble, teachers would feel empowered and will be listened to more often, and the final reason is that kids’ behavior will become better. One reason why corporal punishment is necessary is because it teaches kids. Read More · In addition, teachers have used corporal punishment in schools to influence behavioral change among students and also influence them to work hard in their academics. However, evidence reveals that corporate punishment is a form of violence which has little influence in motivating positive change and it may even lead to rebellion both at home and in school · For instance, it has been reported that corporal punishment leads to increased hostile and destructive behavior, vandalism, reduced attention span, poor school performance, increased rate of drop out, low self-esteem, school phobia and hence school avoidance, anxiety, depression, somatic complaints, suicide, and revenge against blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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