Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay writing exercise

Essay writing exercise

essay writing exercise

Julia Miller and Richard Warner, Essay writing exercises, English for Uni, 2 Answers to Essay Writing Exercise 1 3) Using prepositions correctly in English is very difficult if English is not a person’s first language. Background statement that sets the context for the essay Look at the essay and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. Look at the bar chart, exam question and sample answer and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. Someone I admire. Look at the description and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. 26 Exercise 1 Friendship is the most valuable thing in ourlives. Do you agree or disagree? State your stand in at least words. Write your essay/ draf your ideas. Then, compare it to the model essay below. Model Essay Introduction: Nobody in this world can live alone without friendship. Friendship gives us valuable life experiences

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In today's modern world, computers are used everyday. Children started to use computers from the time they are little. In my opinion, a child who knows how to use the computer will get more benefits and be more successful in the future compared to a child who cannot use the computer.

Body My reasons for this view are personal, academic and professional. Based on my personal point of view, computers can help children to learn more about the world.

For example, some children use the Internet to seek for information on different subjects. In this way, essay writing exercise, they learn to find answers by themselves and become independent learners. By being able to use the computer when they are little will also make the children feel more comfortable around computers.

From an academic viewpoint, children have to learn how to use the computer as it is a form of essay writing exercise. For instance, when I was in college, many students used to bring their laptops to class, essay writing exercise.

They used to take notes, do research and share information. They wrote their essays, essay writing exercise, made presentations and created useful lists. Children who can use the computer when they are young have higher confidence essay writing exercise compared to other children. Based on a professional perspective, computers nowadays are found in almost every office, school and house. In today's modern world, employers prefer to hire employees who have computer skills.

As a result, by encouraging children to use the computer for a short time every day, parents are preparing their children for future jobs. As a conclusion, I strongly disagree that computers have more negative effects on children because it is clear that computers are now a part of our regular life.

Children who can use computers easily and confidently will do better in the future. It is the parents' role and resposibility to limit and control their children in using the computers, essay writing exercise. In today's modern world, mobile phones have become a must in ourlives. Almost everybody has one, even small children and the elderly.

Wherever we are, we can see people using their mobile phones. However, up until today, people are still debating whether to allow school students to bring their mobile phones to school. There are two sides of contrasting ideas in this matter. Therefore, I would like to list out the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students essay writing exercise bring their mobile phones to school.

On the positive side, firstly, if students are allowed to bring their mobile phones to school, this will help them to make communication between them and their parents easier, essay writing exercise.

They can contact each other at any time. In the good old days, parents often never knew where their children were, went and did, essay writing exercise. But with the existance of mobile phones, parents can check up on their children, convey important news or matters and arrange transportation if necessary at any time they want. For instance, the students can inform their parents that their extra curricular activities on that day are cancelled due to heavy rain and ask their parents to come and fetch them from school earlier.

The second benefits of allowing students to bring their mobile phones to school is that students can use their mobile phones in emergency situations. For example, students can contact their teachers, parents or relevant authorities such as the fire station to seek for help if they or their friends are involved in accidents, essay writing exercise.

Moreover, students may be able to gain more and extra knowledge regarding a topic that they are learning by accessing the Internet through their mobile phones.

This can help them to become active learners who can seek for knowledge on their own, decreasing teachers' role as essay writing exercise only source of knowledge in the classroom.

On the other hand, allowing students to bring their mobile phones to school can cause theft issue. With more attractive yet expensive mobile phones such as Iphones available, there are essay writing exercise chances of the mobile phones to be snatched or stolen.

As we know, school students are teenagers essay writing exercise love gadgets and technologies. But since they come from various social economic status families, some parents can afford to buy their children expensive mobile phones and some can't. Hence, those who really wanted essay writing exercise have expensive mobile phones but their parents can't afford them may result to feeling envious towards their friends who have their desired mobile phones.

Feeling envious may then lead to stealing as the only way for them to have the mobile phones is by stealing. Not only is that, mobile phones can become a cause of distraction in the classroom.

Some students may not switch off they mobile phones and if suddenly their mobile phones ring, the sound will disturb the class.

To conclude, allowing school students to bring their mobile phones to school has both pros and cons. It is up to the government to decide and choose the best decision on this issue.

This site was designed with the. Essay Writing Exercise. Here are several exercises for you to try out. Good luck! Exercise 1 Friendship is the most valuable thing in ourlives. Do you agree or disagree? State your stand in at least words. Then, compare it to the model essay below. Model Essay Introduction: Nobody in this world can live alone without friendship.

Friendship gives us valuable life experiences. However, essay writing exercise, I do not agree with the statement that friendship is the most valuable thing in life. This is because there are other essay writing exercise which are more important compared to friendship.

They are our own lives, our families and our principles in life. Body 1: Firstly, essay writing exercise should value our health and lives because money cannot buy health and lives. Without good health, we will not be happy as we cannot do anything and just lie down on the bed. For example, if we lost our sight in an accident, then we can never see the beautiful world and the faces of the ones we essay writing exercise again.

Even if we do have many friends, no amount of friendship can restore our sight. Thus, while friends can be there to help us in our time of need, good health is still more important compared to friendship. Body 2: Secondly, essay writing exercise, we are no one without our families.

Family always come first. Moreover, people would usually value their family members above any other things. For instance, we will leave our work behind and try to reach our hometown as soon as possible when we heard the news that our mother is sick and has to be warded. There are a few who consider friendship as the most valuable thing in life but essay writing exercise probably they may come from a troubled household, divorced parents and abusive parents.

Therefore, that is why they feel friendship is the most precious thing in their lives. Body 3: The third more valuable thing compared to friendship is a person's principle in life. This is because each person needs to have a code of ethics, morality and beviour, essay writing exercise.

A person who holds strongly to his principle would usually excel in life as the code will guide him to live his life according to the good and right principle, essay writing exercise.

As an example, a person will no be easily influenced by any negative behaviour nor deeds such as smoking even though he is surrounded by smokers. Only those who do not possess any principle can easily be influenced by their circle of friend.

Conclusion: In a nutshell, I disagree that friendship is the most valuable thing in a person's life. Friendship will essay writing exercise a person to gain valuable experiences and become happy but still, good health, supportive and loving family and strong principles in life are far more important. Our lives would be meaningless without these three things. I strongly suggest that our government gives more encouragement to our citizen to prioritise health, essay writing exercise, family and principles in life by holding awareness campaigns and creating meaningful social media advertisements.

Exercise 2 Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Essay writing exercise at least words, state your stand, essay writing exercise. Model Essay Introduction: In today's modern world, computers are used everyday. Body 1: My reasons for this view are personal, academic and professional. Body 2: From an academic viewpoint, children have to learn how to use the computer as it is a form of technology. Body 3: Based on a professional perspective, computers nowadays are found in almost every office, school and house.

Conclusion: As a conclusion, I strongly disagree that computers have more negative effects on children because it is clear that computers are now a part of our regular life. Exercise 3 Mobile phones have become a necessity in human's life. People are still debating whether to allow students to bring their mobile phones to school. What are your point of views regarding this matter? State your views in at least words. Model Essay Introduction: In today's modern world, essay writing exercise, mobile phones have become a must in ourlives, essay writing exercise.

Body 1: On the positive side, firstly, if students are allowed to bring their mobile phones to school, this will help them to make communication between them and their parents easier. Body 2: The second benefits of allowing students to bring their mobile phones to school is that students can use their mobile phones in emergency situations. Body 3: On the other hand, allowing students to bring their mobile phones to school can cause theft issue.

Conclusion: To conclude, allowing school students to bring their mobile phones to school has both pros and cons. Exercise 4 Cloning benefits mankind. Do you agree? Model Essay Introduction: Cloning is a process that allows an organism to give birth to an organism with the same genetic make up as the organism that donated the DNA, essay writing exercise. This process has now become more famous in today's world and cloning has proves to be beneficial to both individuals and human race.

However, essay writing exercise, I disagree essay writing exercise the idea of making clones.

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Essay Writing Exercise | cheyahmuet

essay writing exercise

Exercise 1 Friendship is the most valuable thing in ourlives. Do you agree or disagree? State your stand in at least words. Write your essay/ draf your ideas. Then, compare it to the model essay below. Model Essay Introduction: Nobody in this world can live alone without friendship. Friendship gives us valuable life experiences Introductory Academic Essay and Paragraph Writing Exercises and Worksheets. Basic or elementary academic writing classes usually focus on brainstorming, outlining, writing topic and support sentences and essay structure. A teacher might also teach the various forms of attention getters, some basic transitions and different kinds of essay 14/8/ · Writing practice is a method of becoming a better writer that usually involves reading lessons about the writing process, using writing prompts, doing creative writing exercises, or finishing writing pieces, like essays, short stories, novels, or books. The best writing practice is deliberate, timed, and involves blogger.coms: 80

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