The Great Gatsby is a novel that shows what happened to the American Dream in the ’s, which is a time period when the dreams became corrupted for many reasons. The American dream not only causes corruption but has caused destruction. Myrtle, Gatsby and Daisy have all been corrupted and destroyed by the dream 2/5/ · The Great Gatsby American Dream Essay In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents all the characters and their individual American Dreams. The novel took place in the s, post-World War I, where American pride, wealth, luxuries, and all other superficialities were glorified 13/1/ · The American Dream, to start with nothing and through hard work and determination achieve wealth and happiness. This is evident in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Jay Gatsby certainly believes in the American Dream and that wealth can buy him blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Great Gatsby Essay: The Pursuit of the American Dream | SchoolWorkHelper
The Great Gatsby is one of the most impressive novels of all time. This novel is written by the famous author: F. Scott Fitzgerald in The readers can not describe how meaningful this novel is. This famous novel is made into a movie which is released in by Bar Luhrmann. Most of setting and plot are taken from the novel, the great gatsby american dream essay. Although the movie and the novel are absolutely similar in remarkable events such as the party, death, and funeral scene, the movie has many differences from the book to depict effectively the messages that Fitzgerald was trying to show the readers.
The movie shows many things at the party as they are portrayed in the novel. On the other hand, in the movie, the parties are more modern than the party in the novel. The atmosphere seems bustier than the atmosphere in the novel because the rap and the pop music are played during the party. Furthermore, the movie demonstrates modern dance. Actually, the splendor the great gatsby american dream essay luxury of the extravagant parties are shown more clearly in the movie of Bar Luhrmann.
Actually, he will do everything to achieve his goal which is to reunite with Daisy. With Gatsby, Daisy is the most valuable treasures in his life. When Daisy drives and kills Myrtle, Gatsby is even willing to sacrifice himself for Daisy by taking all the responsibility and blame.
Gatsby then is shot by Wilson. The Chauffeur… heard the shots. Of course, plan to run away with Daisy is always in his head. He dives into the pool and swims. After hearing the phone ring, he is climbing out of the pool. He looks at the the great gatsby american dream essay, smiles, the great gatsby american dream essay, and thinks Daisy is calling him for the plan running away with him.
Moreover, he also thinks he almost achieves his goals: run away and stay with Daisy forever. Unfortunately, when he gets out of the pool, Wilson carries a gun and shoots Gatsby from behind. Although this shot is surprised and hurt, Gatsby still has a smile on his face. He always thinks about Daisy. He spends most of his life to love Daisy and what does Gatsby receive? The answer is nothing and maybe the only thing he receives is the loneliness at his funeral.
His funeral is clearly described in the novel and the movie. In both the movie and the novel, his funeral is a situation that nobody wants it to happen. It is so upset and alone. In both, the funeral is portrayed in the sad atmosphere. However, nobody actually cares about his funeral. They are just willing to attend his parties, but when he passes away, no one wants to attend his funeral.
Daisy, the one who Gatsby loves and sacrifices his life, is also out of town and leaves him alone in his funeral with no messages. She runs away for goods with her husband. Meyer Wolfshiem, Gatsby best friend in his work, also does not show up with a good reason the great gatsby american dream essay though they have a really close working relationship.
GatzOwl eyes, a few servants, the minister, and Nick. They still respect Gatsby and care about him. This scene in the movie is sadder than the novel. He is alone in his mansion and lying on the coffin. Those people just use his wealth drowning in wasted parties. His funeral scene completely contrasts to his extravagant parties scene. There is only the loneliness and emptiness in his funeral instead of the bustling atmosphere, the loud laughing, the melodious music.
He has no real friends accept Nick. There are still similarities in the novel and the movie. It represents the ugly side of the American Dream as it is proven by Gatsby. He always pursues his dream to become a wealthy and luxurious man just to serve his own desire and personal purpose. The audiences are sympathetic for Gatsby who celebrates all luxurious parties, and spends most of his life for loving Daisy and sacrificing for his love, and the loneliness is all he receives from that.
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The Great Gatsby and the American Dream
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16/5/ · The Great Gatsby is one of the most impressive novels of all time. This novel is written by the famous author: F. Scott Fitzgerald in The readers can not describe how meaningful this novel is. The Great Gatsby is a story told by Nick Carraway, who is Gatsby’s neighbor. This famous novel is made into a movie 2/5/ · The Great Gatsby American Dream Essay In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents all the characters and their individual American Dreams. The novel took place in the s, post-World War I, where American pride, wealth, luxuries, and all other superficialities were glorified 15/2/ · The Great Gatsby – The American Dream The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the downfall of those who attempt to capture its illusionary goals. This is a common them central to many blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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